Introduction to a Frog with a Blog

A glimpse of my photo shoot for Cosmopolitoad (Wikimedia)
Hey Froggers! It's me. The one and only: Frog with a Blog. But since you are such a loyal reader of Frog with a Blog, you can call me Darren. I started this blog to inspire frogs and humans everywhere to explore the boundaries of imagination. I want everyone who reads this blog to grow leaps and bounds in terms of creativity and courage. This blog is all about putting yourself out there in a way you've never been before! Enough about the blog though. Let's hear more about me!
I was born here at the University of Oklahoma. Both of my parents left me when I was born, but that didn't stop me from being the best me I could be! I've never gone very far off campus because in all honesty, I'm afraid of what's out there. I hope to one day be courageous enough to explore the rest of the world. 
I graduated from Michigan J. Frog High School, the biggest high school for amphibians in the state! I knew I wanted to do more after high school, but I didn't know what I wanted to do. So, I applied and was accepted at the University of Oklahoma! I decided to major in FHES, or Frog Health and Exercise Science. My goal is to become a general practitioner because I want to open up a free clinic right here in Oklahoma to provide healthcare for frogs, toads, salamanders, you name it! I hope that I provide a place in which amphibians everywhere feel safe and well-provided for. 
For fun, I like to go for a swim. Whenever it's a hot day, there's nothing like jumping into some water and cooling yourself off! I actually swam for my high school too! We competed against all the other amphibious high schools in the area in all sorts of sports such as track and field (I was the best at jumping), mud wrestling, and my personal favorite, water polo. 
My favorite food is salted algae. I'm actually an herbivorous frog, but all my friends are family are omnivores. I made a decision when I was eighteen years old to not eat anymore bugs because of the environmental impact it has. Eating bugs means that you support unethical farming practices and contribute to climate change! Once I realized what I was doing, I couldn't live with myself anymore. I want to create a sustainable future for all thousands of my children and grandchildren. 
Finally, I'm taking this class to learn more about frogs and other amphibians in India! I heard frogs are very important in this country and I'm excited to learn more about the accomplishments of my species. I look forward to posting more in my blog and I hope all of you froggers are ready to read! 


  1. Ha ha, the leaps and bounds of all the frogs of frogdom: that sounds great, Darren! You are the first FHES student who has taken this class, and I hope it will contribute to your ongoing amphibian education. I hope you can use this class as a chance to broaden your knowledge of all-things-frog to include the Amphibians of India, from the Family Bufonidae to the Family Sooglossidae and everything in-between. And not eating bugs puts you squarely in the Indian vegetarian tradition, whether that is for religious reasons or ecological ones. Now that I know there is an amphibian in the class, I will keep a special eye out for frogs etc. in the Indian folktales I'm reading... and of course you might find frogs lurking in any puddle or pond that you see in the epic reading. Have fun! :-)

  2. Hi Darren! Well just from reading the first line of the post I can only wish to be as creative as it sounds you will be in this course. I like how you are making the most of this blogging thing (since its all new to me and I no clue what i'm doing). I hope to see what you come up with in the next few weeks in this course as we progress.

  3. Hi, Darren! First of all, I want to say that I am a big fan of the fact that your blog title rhymes and I really liked your "leaps and bounds" pun! That is so cool that you have such a passion for amphibians. It is so fascinating to learn about all of the things that people are passionate about! I think your patients will really be able to tell that you are passionate about their well-being! That is so important in being a general-practitioner! I’m sure that you’ve heard of this place being from Norman, but since you mentioned that you’re a vegetarian, have you ever eaten at The Earth? They have a lot of vegetarian and even vegan options! I’m an especially big fan of their cakes! They are super yummy!

  4. Darren, what a unique introduction! You seem like a true creative who has a flair for funny. I'll take it that this illustrates that the frog is your "spirit animal"? Writing from such a perspective puts such a fun spin on learning about you through this amphibian lens. This sort of symbolic characterization you've done of yourself here would be put to such good use in the stories you create inspired by the Indian Epics, I think! I might have to take a lesson from you here in that regard. You seem like someone with humanitarian as well nature/wildlife related ambitions which are most honorable qualities!

  5. Hey Darren, I love the creativity you used in your introduction and am excited to see what else you do this semester. I didn't realize how important frogs were in Indian Epics, so it's really neat to see that you're in the class to learn more about it. What made you fall in love with frogs and make them want to be your spirit animal?


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