Week 2 Reading Overview

Hey Froggers!

I'll be reading the public domain edition of the Ramayana during the next few weeks, and I'll be sure to update you on my progress! I prefer listening to reading, so when I saw that I had the opportunity to listen to an audio version I leaped at the chance!

I'm also interested in The Ancestors of Rama and The Lord of Lanka. I love action and these stories seem to have a lot of it! I also saw that The Ancestors of Rama has animals in it, and I love seeing other animals in stories.

Two videos I'm interested in are Harry Potter Meets Hindu Mythology and The Tale of the Lion and the Crane. I love Harry Potter and retelling stories. Modern interpretations of stories make them much easier to understand, and I hope to be able to retell these stories in a creative way.

And finally, here's a nice picture!
Vishnu as a Tortoise (Wellcome Images L0043633)
I chose the picture because the tortoise looks like my friend George from back home!


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